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About Us

Every time you answer the daily trivia question,
we fund the removal of a piece of plastic from the ocean.

Our Story

In August 2019, we launched Free the Ocean to give anyone, anywhere, the opportunity to have an impact on plastic pollution – for free. Not only does answering the daily trivia fund the removal of plastic, but it also educates you about our oceans and raises awareness of the plastic issue. When you purchase a plastic-free product from FTO’s sustainable store, you help keep plastic out of the waste stream, making an even greater impact.

Whether you’re playing FTO trivia or purchasing our plastic-free products, you are part of our global community of people who want to make a difference – thank you!

Mimi, Co-Founder

Our Mission

Free the Ocean's mission is built on three equally important pillars: Sustainability, Education, and Action.

Reminder to make a difference

Sign up for our daily email to remember to play the trivia.
You’ll learn something new and help remove plastic from the ocean, for free. 

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