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FTO Crossword Puzzle

Welcome to June's Crossword Puzzle!

Come back each month for a new puzzle to solve. Every time you do, you’ll help remove 10 pieces of plastic from the ocean!

A new crossword will appear every month.
All questions are taken from past FTO trivia

(Click on the Submit button below after completing the crossword)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  1. 4.Fastest fish in the ocean
  2. 7.This marine species is a distant cousin to the elephant
  3. 8.Number of the world’s oceans that cross through the equator
  4. 9.Famous to surfers worldwide, the Banzai Pipeline is located on this island
  1. 1.Ocean home to more than a quarter of underwater species. _____ Reefs
  2. 2.Marine species that communicates with clicks, whistles and squeals
  3. 3.Japanese name for huge waves, also known as seismic sea waves
  4. 5.Underwater volcanoes and earthquake zones in the Pacific Ocean. Ring of…
  5. 6.The largest species of sea turtles
  6. 8.Approximately 5 ______ plastic bags are used worldwide every year
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