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FTO Crossword Puzzle

Thank you for playing March's Crossword Puzzle!

Not only did you get all of them correct (way to go!), but you helped remove 10 more pieces of plastic from the ocean!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  1. 3.US state famous for being home to the Yukon River
  2. 4.Nickname of the iceberg drifting toward South Georgia
  3. 5.There are about 300 species of ____ in the ocean
  4. 6.Disney movie about a young Polynesian girl on an ocean adventure
  5. 8.Nickname for African Penguins because of the sound they make
  6. 9.Synthetic fabric that sheds microplastics when washed
  1. 1.Type of whale with the heart the size of a small car
  2. 2.The Great Bear and Great Slave lakes call this country home.
  3. 5.Eels migrate to this mysterious sea to spawn
  4. 7.Marine animal that filters up to 50 gallons of water a day
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