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Earth Month

Free the Ocean Blog

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Earth Month 2021

Dedicated to supporting and protecting a healthy Earth

Did you know that “heart” and “Earth” share the same letters? 💙  🌍

We have 20 days left of April, also known as Earth Month! First held in 1970, April 22nd will be the 51st Earth Day. It’s now the largest secular observance in the world with over a billion people participating!

Although April 22nd stands out, there is so much we can do to participate every day of Earth Month.

Here are 6 simple things you can do, starting today, to give back to our blue planet -


Join the #ClicktoClean Movement

There’s a good chance you already participate in Free the Ocean’s daily trivia to help remove plastic from the ocean, and we thank you for being part of our community! Please share FTO with your friends and family this month, let’s see how many people we can get to join the #ClicktoClean Movement! 


Get outside

The more time we spend outside, connecting with nature, the more empowered we become to help keep our Earth healthy. Simply going for a 15 minute walk, disconnecting from your phone and paying attention to the natural world, can do wonders! 


Consume differently

When making purchases this month, pay attention to your buying habits. How we spend our money carry’s more power than we realize! Try to stay clear from single-use plastic as much as possible, buy plastic free alternatives and support local businesses or companies that ship plastic-free and carbon neutral (like Free the Ocean)!


Start conversations

Talk with your loved ones and ask their thoughts on keeping the Earth healthy. Discuss what you are doing to be part of the solution, and inspire one another to keep it up! Having someone on your team to keep you motivated on your sustainability journey can be hugely helpful. 


Unsubscribe to catalogs

The truth is that over 100 million trees are cut down each year to produce junk mail including catalogs. Plus they usually just end up in the trash anyway. Take this month as an opportunity to get your name off the mailing lists for all those unwanted pieces of mail!


Let your voice be heard

Feeling passionate about a certain environmental cause or piece of legislation you believe should be passed? Use this time to make your voice heard! There’s a bill being considered in congress right now (Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act), that would make a BIG difference in reversing our massive plastic pollution problem. You can help by signing a letter of support HERE.

These are just 6 tips to get you started on ways to participate this Earth Month. Remember, our small actions create meaningful impact. Thank you for being a part of the Free the Ocean community!